National Lottery Community Fund - Reaching Communities
The National Lottery Community Fund distributes over £600m a year to communities across the UK, raised by players of The National Lottery.
The Together: Better Access project aims to improve opportunities for people who are deaf or hard of hearing by expanding existing support and provision of opportunities to connect with hearing people, to improve understanding of the challenges faced and adapt services in response.
It aims to increase the deaf awareness: NE membership, attract additional volunteers and raise the profile of a target group who are underrepresented otherwise to create peer networks that provide practical assistance, increased confidence and connections to extend the reach of support beyond the confines of the project activities.
The average activity programme will provide eight sessions weekly. Interpreter services along with other services such as Speech To Text Operation, Live Transcribe services and relevant equipment such as Roger Pens and other likely advances in technology over the coming two years will be added to activities to enable attendees to engage effectively.
Learning will be shared across the network of organisations that the project links to from our base in The Linskill Centre, outreach work and representation on networks that support people facing barriers to participation.
October 2023 - deaf awareness:NE